The language we use is incredibly important.
Our brains are always listening and absorbing what is going on around us on an unconscious level.
The way we speak to ourselves and others has the power to shift mindsets, create new thought patterns and either build us up or tear us down.
Learn how to speak to yourself in a way that creates calm, confidence, happiness, gratitude and resilience and you will experience the feelings, qualities and emotions you want to embody.
Below are some affirmations for you. Feel free to copy out any that resonate into your journal. Or take screen shots.
If you want to level up with this … one effective tool would be to record yourself reading your favourite affirmations out 5 times and then play them back daily.
What are the benefits? Listening to these affirmations each day will cement them into your unconscious mind and rather than your brain thinking of negative or unhealthy responses to different situations, they will become part of your ‘go-to’ thought processes and your natural response will gradually become more positive as you learn to reframe in this way.